Bicycle experiment. Numbers for 9.27.07
Date: 9.27.07
Trip: Short Stack (That’s my new term for riding from my house to the Airport Business Park, riding around the loop for five miles, and returning home.)
Trip Time (bicycle in motion only): 37:18
Trip distance: 11.55 miles
Average speed: 18.6
Maximum speed: 26.2
Calories burned: 628 (This number is meaningless nonsense. The computer doesn’t have enough information to make this determination.)
Weather: Perfect
Me: Huffing and puffing, sweatin’ like a hog.
Notes: It’s too early to say whether this new training regimen is working, but my times and average speeds seem to be improving. Today’s average speed of 18.6 mph is the fastest so far.
I got some good advice from some other cyclists. One suggestion was to concentrate on trip times – pick a route, time yourself, and then go back and do the same route at a later date and see if you’ve improved.
I’m taking that advice, but I’m logging all the other information generated by the computer just for the heck of it. I also find that the average speed reading is a great motivator while riding.
One of my short-term goals is to complete the Short Stack ride (what I did this evening) with an average speed of 19 mph.