Weekly Bicycle Wrap 1.5.07
A gratuitous photo of Dutch, aka Big D, aka Big Brown Dog, near the Mad River.
This week’s total mileage: 30 miles
This week’s mileage on e-bike: 0
This week’s mileage on a regular bike: 30
Total mileage in 2007: 30
Total mileage in 2006 (Starting July 10. Prior mileage not counted.): 1,038
Total mileage since July 10, 2006: 1,068
Total e-bike mileage since July 10, 2006: 529.5
Total regular bike mileage since July 10, 2006: 538.5
Gas savings this week: 1.5 gallons
Gallons saved since July 10, 2006: 41.70
Price of gas today: $2.60
Gas savings since July 10, 2006: $178.01
Flat tires since July 10, 2006: 4
Found items on the roadway: One nice pair of tin snips (11/8/06)
I’m back after a holiday hiatus. My minimal mileage during that period is not included in the numbers above.
It feels great to be back in the saddle again. There’s nothing like a nasty case of the crud to make you appreciate your health.
I don’t really “do” New Year’s resolutions, although I always maintain a lengthy list of goals I want to accomplish. Some are big and some are small. Some are personal and some are business related.
Thankfully, few of them will ever be written about on this blog.
I culled the list down to just a few bicycle-related goals that seem appropriate for my weekly bicycle wrap. Here they are:
• Continue to use a bicycle instead of a car as much as possible. This involves learning to adapt to adverse weather conditions.
• Continue to hone my rusty bicycle mechanic skills to the point where I can take a bicycle almost completely apart, put it back together again and have it properly adjusted and in good working order – all within a short period of time.
• Ride at least 100 miles in one day.
• Take more landscape photos and nature-related photos on my bike trips. These are photos taken for no other purpose than my personal enjoyment.
Jack! I need advice. I'm really hoping, as I mentioned earlier, to start biking to Ferndale and back, but I think I'll need a faster bike and definitely some weather gear. I don't even know where to start, though – and I'm willing to invest, but I don't exactly have a lot of capital. Can you give me any tips on what to look for in a bike/gear?
You want me to ramble on about bikes and dole out advice? Yeah! I'll make a blog entry on the topic in the coming days. I'll also include some links to bloggers who, unlike me, are actually qualified to give out such advice.
Thanks! And I forgot to say, what an adorable dog. I love that face.
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