Thursday, July 20, 2006

Grab bag

• Believe it or not, it appears that the “policy debate” I wrote about before is over. The listserv comments are a matter of public record, as previously argued. Problem solved, or so it appears. (This is a dull topic, so I won’t repeat the details. See previous blog entries if you need to know more.)

• Speaking of open government, I’d like to see a slight adjustment in state law regarding closed sessions. There should be a requirement that all closed sessions be tape recorded and that those tapes be made available to county grand juries upon request. This would make it less likely that elected officials would discuss unauthorized items during closed sessions.

I vaguely recall such a proposal being made in the past. But when? And who made it?

• I try to watch at least one movie a week. This week’s flick – “Match Point” by Woody Allen. Even though he strayed from his typical New York turf, this is classic Woody Allen. In some ways, it reminded me of “Crimes and Misdeanors.” (The universe is indifferent. There is no divine justice. Or is there?)
(Scarlett Johansson stars in Match Point.

Other great Allen movies include “Celebrity” 1998 (overlooked, but well worth renting), “Deconstructing Harry” 1997, “Mighty Aphrodite” 1995 (one of my favorites), “Manhattan Murder Mystery” 1993, “Husbands and Wives, 1992, “Shadows and Fog” 1992 (warning: includes lots of shadows and fog), “Crimes and Misdeameanors” 1989, “Hannah and Her Sisters” 1986 (Michael Caine at his best), “The Purple Rose of Cairo” 1985, “Stardust Memories” 1980, “Manhattan” 1979 (Another favorite. Very tragic.) “Annie Hall” 1977 (what’s not to like about this one?) “Sleeper” 1973, and “Take the Money and Run,” 1969.


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